Bilston, Wednesfield, West Bromwich, and Codsall are four of many of TISKA’s successful clubs and offer training sessions every Saturday morning at West Bromwich Leisure Centre in West Bromwich, every Saturday afternoon at Bert Williams Leisure Centre in Bilston, every Sunday morning at Codsall Leisure Centre in Codsall, and every Sunday afternoon at Wolverhampton Swimming & Fitness Centre in Wednesfield.
All four clubs have a mix of grades from beginners up to 1st Dan Black Belts. Classes are run with children and adults together, making lessons suitable for individuals and families alike.
Gradings are held regularly throughout the year, where students take an exam to achieve their next grade. For many young students this promotes self-confidence and a sense of achievement and motivation.
Additionally, students can participate in courses run by Shihan Sahota, and take part in an annual TISKA National Competition, giving them the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have learnt and developed through their training, and maybe win one of the many trophies on offer.
Beginners’ classes are available every week for people of all ages from 6 to 65.
Classes in Bilston-Wednesfield-West Bromwich-Codsall
About the Instructors
Mr Parkash and Mrs Kennedy have each trained in Shotokan Karate for over 20 years and have achieved 5th Dan and 4th Dan respectively with the Traditional International Karate Association (TISKA) under the guidance of Shihan Gursharan Sahota, 8th Dan. They regularly train at various TISKA clubs in the Midlands, including Northampton, Dunstable, Kettering and Daventry.
Email: or call
Om Parkash: 07508 053918
Jill Kennedy: 07415 458124
Contact Club Instructor
Unique/Benefits of Karate
While you learn the 3 main disciplines of Karate: Kihon, Kata, and Kumite you will also gain by:
Why Shotokan Karate for Children?
Self Confidence - Karate is one of the best builders of self-confidence. Traditional Shotokan Karate training helps prepare a child for life, helping with issues such as bullying, the pressures of exams and the building of self-esteem. Children like to perform, especially for the people they love and respect. With a little encouragement and support from the instructor, they will rise to the occasion and surprise themselves with their own achievements.
Etiquette - Children are taught from the outset that Shotokan Karate is primarily a defensive and not an offensive martial art. Children learn how to be polite and respect their fellow students, instructor and parents.
Discipline - A child’s concentration is enhanced if they learn to focus their mind on the job in hand, whether by learning a sequence of complicated techniques in Karate or by passing an exam in school. Many parents notice a marked improvement of concentration once Karate training has commenced.
Why Shotokan Karate for Adults?
Self Defence - Street violence, especially muggings, take place in every town in the country, and Shotokan Karate is an effective form of unarmed combat.
Health and Flexibility - Shotokan Karate will help to improve your overall fitness and general wellbeing. With regular training, flexibility and strength will improve.
Training in class
Our classes are based around the 3 main disciplines of Karate: Kihon, Kumite and Kata.
Kihon is training in "basics" or "fundamentals". These are the basic techniques that are taught and practiced as the foundation of Shotokan karate.
Kata are detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or as a group. Shotokan karate kata are executed as a specified series of a variety of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form.
Kumite is the part of Shotokan karate in which a person trains against an adversary, using the techniques learned from the Kihon and Kata.
Structured syllabus and grading
We have and follow a structured syllabus which is freely available from the TISKA website.
A "grading" or examination is where your knowledge and proficiency in karate are assessed. This takes place once every three months at a convenient location and is carried out by the Chief Instructor. Students are invited to grade when they are ready, so you will not be asked to do anything that you should not be able to do well. If you successfully pass the grading you will receive a certificate and a belt of the colour that represents your achieved level.
It should be noted that in your karate career, gradings are relatively unimportant and are a by-product of good training. The aim of karate practice is not to get to the next belt. Neither is it the achievement of obtaining a 1st Dan (black belt). To focus on grading and the colour of your belt is wrong!
A student who has obtained their first black belt has not arrived at their destination. They have simply just started the journey.
Basic Dojo Etiquette
Oss! - Greeting word frequently used in mainland Japan, not in Okinawa.
Literal Meaning : Oss's Osu means to push. Su is to persevere. Together they become OSS.
It means to push beyond your own boundaries. Saying Oss indicates one is trying their absolute best and voicing an oath to go beyond and expand one's inner limitations at every moment. (Note - this does not indicate a physical limitation. Karate focuses on mental development).
The Dojo Karateka Oath "Dojo Kun"
Brief history of Shotokan Karate
Shotokan Karate was founded by Gichin Funakoshi (a man who is commonly referred to as “the father of modern-day Karate”).
Funakoshi was born in Okinawa in 1868 and, at the age of 11, began to study karate under two of Okinawa's top masters. In addition to becoming a karate master himself, Funakoshi was an avid poet and philosopher who would reportedly go for long walks in the forest where he would meditate and write his poetry. Shotokan is named after Funakoshi’s pen name, Shoto, which means “waving pines”. Kan means training hall, or house, thus Shotokan referred to the “house of Shoto”. This name was coined by Funakoshi’s students when they posted a sign above the entrance of the hall at which Funakoshi taught, reading “Shoto Kan”.
Funakoshi first went to mainland Japan to teach in 1917 and, by 1949, the Japan Karate Association had been established by Funakoshi's followers, with Funakoshi as the supreme master. Funakoshi died in 1957 at the age of 88 but his legacy remains. Shotokan Karate, characterised by deep, strong stances and dynamic techniques, is one of the most widely practised forms of karate in the world today.
27 Shotokan Katas
Taikyoku Shodan (Kihon - Beginning), Heian Shodan (Peaceful Mind Level One), Heian Nidan (Peaceful Mind Level Two), Heian Sandan (Peaceful Mind Level Three), Heian Yondan (Peaceful Mind Level Four), Heian Godan (Peaceful Mind Level Five).
Tekki Shodan (Iron Horse Level One), Tekki Nidan (Iron Horse Level Two), Tekki Sandan (Iron Horse Level Three).
Bassai Dai (To Storm a Fortress - Big), Bassai Sho (To Storm a Fortress - Small), Kanku Dai (To View the Sky - Big), Kanku Sho (To View the Sky - Small), Empi (Flying Swallow), Jiin (Named after Saint Jiin), Jion (Named after the Chinese temple Jion-Ji), Jitte (Ten Hands).
Gankaku (Crane on a Rock), Hangetsu (Half Moon), Chinte (Incredible Hands), Sochin (Preserve Peace), Meikyo (Bright Shining Mirror), Gojushiho Dai (54 Steps - Big), Gojushiho Sho (54 Steps -Small), Nijushiho (24 Steps), Wankan (Crown of a King), Unsu (Cloud Hands).